Dallas-Fort Worth Area Audit Clients for Sale
Listing #: TXN1548a
Location: Texas
Annual Revenue: $130,000
 Asking Price: $156,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This book of audit and compilation clients being offered for sale by a Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Area CPA firm generate annual gross revenues of approximately $130,000. The clients for sale include four well-established businesses, which have been with the same practice about 10 years on average. They are highly profitable, loyal, and span a range of industries from construction and manufacturing to financial services. In addition to three audits and one quarterly compilation, the services provided for these clients include the preparation of multiple partnership, individual, corporate, and other tax returns, year-end accounting, property renditions, and some payroll tax returns. This book of business should make an easy, profitable addition to any firm in DFW looking to jump-start or expand an audit client base
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