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$1.5 Billion+
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Selling a Practice:
What do I need to know?

Are you searching for assistance in valuation, negotiations and finding the right buyer? Accounting Practice Sales is the global leader in marketing tax and accounting firms.

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Buying a Practice:
What do I need to know?

Do you know the steps to buying an accounting practice? Are you searching for accounting businesses for sale in your area? If you’re looking for accounting firms for sale, you’ve come to the right place.

Our Clients Say It Best
Quick Sale in Florida

"I faxed my information on Tuesday at 4:30 pm. The next day I had a call and an appointment with a buyer on Thursday morning. We closed and signed papers five days later."

Richard H., Pohokee, Florida
Lots of Qualified Buyers...

"Initially, I was overwhelmed by the number of qualified respondents within 2-3 days of listing with APS. After receiving and accepting one of the Full Price offers, it was less than 60 days to closing!...

Douglas M., Salt Lake City, Utah
APS 15+ Year History

"I engaged APS based on their list of possible buyers and work history. I had been watching their website activity for the last 15 years." 

Pete C., CPA, Collin County, Texas
Helped Me Comply

“Lori treated me fairly and helped me comply with bank, seller, and SBA requirements"

William S. CPA, Collierville, Tennessee
CPA Buys a Practice in Miami

"It has now been one year since you helped me buy my practice. I just wanted to tell you that it has been a great year. My billings have doubled and that office has been a gem. I cannot express enough how...

Francisco A., CPA, Miami, Florida
Full price

“I was pleasantly surprised when we receive the full sales price upfront without any retention clause."

Walter R. CMA, Calgary, Alberta
All Cash!

"Working with Wade and Gary made the sale of my practice much easier. They were able to bring me various buyers with good offers on my practice. I ended up selling for all cash and I was also able to sell...

Darwin M., CPA, Pearland, Texas
Second Time Seller

“This is the second time I have used APS to sell a business and have been very happy with the results both times."

Joy A. EA, Plano, Texas
Quick Sale in Florida

"I faxed my information on Tuesday at 4:30 pm. The next day I had a call and an appointment with a buyer on Thursday morning. We closed and signed papers five days later."

Richard H., Pohokee, Florida
Lots of Qualified Buyers...

"Initially, I was overwhelmed by the number of qualified respondents within 2-3 days of listing with APS. After receiving and accepting one of the Full Price offers, it was less than 60 days to closing!...

Douglas M., Salt Lake City, Utah
APS 15+ Year History

"I engaged APS based on their list of possible buyers and work history. I had been watching their website activity for the last 15 years." 

Pete C., CPA, Collin County, Texas
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