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Are you searching for assistance in valuation, negotiations and finding the right buyer? Accounting Practice Sales is the global leader in marketing tax and accounting firms.

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Do you know the steps to buying an accounting practice? Are you searching for accounting businesses for sale in your area? If you’re looking for accounting firms for sale, you’ve come to the right place.

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APS Simple and Quick

"APS said it would probably take 3 months to close and they were right on. Using APS was a simple and quick way to get the job done without a great deal of involvement on my part."

Martin M., CA,Calgary, Alberta
Great Use of Energy for...

Working with my APS broker allowed me to spend my energy on my clients rather than potential buyers.

Anna H., EA, Oregon City, Oregon
Worth Every Penny

"I couldn't have done it without APS. Excellent service! Professional and worth every penny of the commission."

Lorrie M., Townsend, Montana
APS is the Best

“Ryan is very trust worthy.  APS is the best. Very professional."

Joseph B. CPA, Dallas, Texas
Would do it Again

"I would do it again-that speaks volumes. Thank you for your professionalism and experience."

Ann V.. Newton, Massachusetts
Satisfied Buyer in Houston

"The purchase worked out very well for us, so well, in fact, that we are monitoring your e-mails for another practice that might fit in with us. We are continuing to grow the old-fashioned way but I know...

Guerry D., CPA, Houston, Texas
Thank you!

“I cannot thank your team enough. The best way clients could ever thank me was by referrals. If I ever know of any CPAs that are selling or buying, I will send them your way with absolute confidence....

Scott P., CPA, San Diego, California
Recommendation to Sellers

"What a great group of professionals. They were virtually at my side with assistance at just the right moments to help the sale through to completion. I recommend them highly to any person who may be...

Don M., Soldotna, Alaska
APS Simple and Quick

"APS said it would probably take 3 months to close and they were right on. Using APS was a simple and quick way to get the job done without a great deal of involvement on my part."

Martin M., CA,Calgary, Alberta
Great Use of Energy for...

Working with my APS broker allowed me to spend my energy on my clients rather than potential buyers.

Anna H., EA, Oregon City, Oregon
Worth Every Penny

"I couldn't have done it without APS. Excellent service! Professional and worth every penny of the commission."

Lorrie M., Townsend, Montana
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