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Are you searching for assistance in valuation, negotiations and finding the right buyer? Accounting Practice Sales is the global leader in marketing tax and accounting firms.

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Do you know the steps to buying an accounting practice? Are you searching for accounting businesses for sale in your area? If you’re looking for accounting firms for sale, you’ve come to the right place.

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"This is the second time I've used APS-the first time was in 2004 to sell my practice and again at this time to purchase a new practice. Both experiences were handled professionally and I'm satisfied with the services provided."

Lois V., Fremont, California
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"I have purchased and sold with APS and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Len T., Zinonsville, Indiana
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"Initially, I was overwhelmed by the number of qualified respondents within 2-3 days of listing with APS. After receiving and accepting one of the Full Price offers, it was less than 60 days to closing!...

Douglas M., Salt Lake City, Utah
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Ann V.. Newton, Massachusetts
Philosophy Works for Us

"We chose Accounting Practice Sales because of your reputation for selling firms at high multiples, as well as for your philosophy that high quality firms should sell with cash deals. You came through on...

Bill B., CPA, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
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“Over all a very good experience with the professionals at APS. I am very satisfied with the process. Will use you again!."

Andy P., CPA, Dallas, Texas
Strongly Recommended!

As for our experience with APS, we can honestly state that we would likely not have achieved the final sale proceeds realized, had we not employed APS. Further to that, had we attempted this sale on our...

Rob F.,CPA, Drayton Valley, Alberta
Worth Every Penny

"I couldn't have done it without APS. Excellent service! Professional and worth every penny of the commission."

Lorrie M., Townsend, Montana
Repeat Client

"This is the second time I've used APS-the first time was in 2004 to sell my practice and again at this time to purchase a new practice. Both experiences were handled professionally and I'm satisfied with the services provided."

Lois V., Fremont, California
Likes Using APS

"I have purchased and sold with APS and I wouldn't have it any other way."

Len T., Zinonsville, Indiana
Lots of Qualified Buyers...

"Initially, I was overwhelmed by the number of qualified respondents within 2-3 days of listing with APS. After receiving and accepting one of the Full Price offers, it was less than 60 days to closing!...

Douglas M., Salt Lake City, Utah
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