Semi-Virtual CPA Practice for Sale (Tallahassee, FL Based)
Listing #
North Florida
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by: |
Tim E. Price, CPA, PhD |
Office: 813-909-6368 |
• Quality accounting and tax (CPA) practice for sale in Tallahassee, Florida
• The firm is poised to be a fully virtual practice, as the owner meets with only a couple of clients occasionally
• Revenue mix: Quarterly accounting and payroll reporting (approximately 10%) and tax services for individuals and business / other entities (90%)
• Estimated current year gross revenue is $43,000 and cash flow is strong at approximately 81% of gross revenue
• Seller will assist in transitioning clients to the Buyer
• Buyer must be a CPA
• Seller has a strong preference for a buyer in or near Tallahassee who can meet with key clients personally at the outset of the client relationships
• This would make for the perfect starter practice or an easily integrated addition to an existing firm – an affordable opportunity for buyers of all types!
• This would make for the perfect starter practice or an easily integrated addition to an existing firm – an affordable opportunity for buyers of all types!
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