Houston Accounting Practice
Listing #: TXS1115
Location: Texas
Type: Other
Annual Revenue: $145,610
 Asking Price: $152,000
Presented by:
Team Holmes
Toll Free: (888) 847-1040
• This Seller has a fairly large client that requires the Buyer be a certified minority, female, or disadvantaged business - or qualify for such certification. Generally this certification requires that the firm is owned 51% or more by a minority or female owner(s), who actively manage and operate the business. The Seller is willing to help Buyer achieve the certification if Buyer meets the basic requirements. • Owner looking to move into corporate job but starting time is flexible – they’re willing to help with the transition process to new owner. • 2012 Gross revenues estimate at $145,610. • Primarily an accounting/bookkeeping practice with room for growth in tax preparation! • Virtual office so buyer can keep location or move the practice elsewhere. • Part-time employees can stay or go depending on the Buyer’s needs. • Low overhead making for nice cash flow. • Since there is currently no tax preparation offered to the clients, this practice can be bought at any time of the year!
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