Troy, MI CPA Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established CPA practice is located in the desirable suburb of Troy with gross revenues of approximately $230,000.   The practice has a quality client base which includes many full-service business clients.   In fact, nearly ¾ of the total revenues of the practice are derived from the monthly, quarterly, and annual business clientele and their associated tax work.   The individual taxes should not be overlooked however as there are approximately 158 returns averaging $400 a piece.   All of this combines for a strong tax season while also creating a steady stream of cash flow throughout the year. The practice has been slowly and steadily growing over the years since its inception in 1992.   It is the perfect size for an individual seeking a turn-key practice or an established firm looking to grow.   There is also a knowledgeable, tenured CPA employee in place, who would be an asset to the new owner through transition and future growth of the firm.   This along with the seller willing to assist in a transition period will provide a seamless hand off of clients to the new owner.
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