Sussex County Delaware Beaches Tax Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This Tax Practice for sale in the Sussex County Delaware Beaches area has annual gross revenues of approximately $105,000 that are primarily from tax preparation (92%), made up of approximately 260 individuals and 30 businesses. There is a solid fee structure in place generating strong cash flow to owner over 65% of gross. The well-established, quality client base should offer plenty of opportunities for expansion of services and continued growth through referrals. Further, this area is growing very rapidly due to geographic location and low DE property taxes; thus, the opportunity for client growth is significant for someone wanting to take it to the next level. The seller is looking to exit the practice and enjoy retirement but will be available to assist with a short transition. This is a perfect opportunity for an experienced accountant ready to jump into practice ownership with an established book of business or an easy and profitable addition for a local practice looking to expand.
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