South Shore, MA Tax Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This South Shore, MA Tax Practice for sale has revenues of approximately $370,000 and a motivated seller, who has just reduced the price in hopes of completing a sale prior to this upcoming tax season.   This well-established tax practice enjoys a solid reputation within the community for their quality service and high standards.   The revenues consist mostly of individuals (86%) with a supplemental 100 business clients (14%).   The practice has strong cash flow around 50% and a large referral source for years to come.   There is staff in place to provide capacity for continued growth and the seller is flexible with regard to transition.   Furthermore, an ideal location is already set up with easy access and visibility for current and new clients.This practice would make the perfect, turn-key starter practice for an experienced accountant looking to get into a successful practice or a profitable addition to another firm. Get a quick return on your investment with tax season right around the corner!
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