Natick, MA Tax Practice
Listing #: MA1123
Location: Massachusetts
Annual Revenue: $120,000
 Asking Price: $155,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
We are pleased to announce this new book of tax clients for sale in Natick, MA that generates annual gross revenues of approximately $120,000. With a superb fee structure in place, the practice not only boasts a great cashflow to the owner of more than 60% of gross income, but individuals average over $600/return and businesses over $2,000/return!  With little overhead, a buyer with some capacity could easily add most of these revenues to their bottom line.  This is an excellent opportunity to pick up a quality book of business in the heart of the MetroWest as an add-on or starter for someone getting into ownership.
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