New Jersey (Nationwide Clients) Tax Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This very well-established practice we have for sale in New Jersey has annual gross revenues of approximately $250,000.  The practice has an excellent reputation for providing expert level, high-quality tax services to a loyal client base in a niche market.  By focusing on one service area, the owner has been able to grow and develop a first-rate client base in all aspects of the entertainment industry, both performing and technical. With minimal overhead costs, the practice yields excellent cash flow to owner in excess of 85% of gross.  It could be seamlessly added to any existing firm or would be a nice opportunity for an experienced tax professional looking to quickly grow a practice.  Due to the nature of the practice and the fact that the majority of the clients are serviced remotely, the buyer will have great flexibility with regard to where the practice is located and access to potential clients located nationwide, with a concentration in New York and California.
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