Middle Tenn. Accounting & Tax Practice (South of Nashville)
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
Lori Newcomer, CPA
Toll Free: 888-553-1040 x 2
Accounting and tax practice for sale South of Nashville with gross revenue comprised primarily of bookkeeping (about 75%) and tax (about 20%).  As most clients are on the cloud, the practice currently operates from a home office.  With no long-term lease to consider, the practice could continue to operate from a home office or could be incorporated into a local firm.  The firm has experienced a solid growth rate but has capacity for further growth, as the owner works about 1,450 billable hours per year.  It is the perfect size and opportunity for any accountant ready for practice ownership or for an existing firm near the I-65 corridor seeking an addition.
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