Los Alamos, NM CPA Practice
Listing #: NM1101
Location: New Mexico
Annual Revenue: $257,000
 Asking Price: $179,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established CPA practice for sale in Los Alamos, NM has annual gross revenues of approximately $219,000. Located in one of New Mexico's most desirable and affluent communities, this profitable, steadily growing practice is the perfect size for any CPA looking to step into practice ownership or expand into the Los Alamos area. Approximately 70% of the income is derived from profitable tax preparation work with the remainder from accounting and consulting services, which generate year-round income. The practice caters to a quality client base, including many businesses, that should continue to provide referrals and opportunities for expanding services. It boasts a solid fee structure and low overhead costs, yielding strong cash flow to the owner of almost 60% of gross income. With a knowledgeable staff in place, this turn-key practice is primed for a smooth transition and continued prosperity.
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