Northern New Mexico-Santa Fe Area CPA Practice for Sale
 Sale Pending
Listing #: NM1103
Location: New Mexico
Type: CPA
Annual Revenue: $2,060,000
 Asking Price: $2,060,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This exceptional CPA practice is located in Northern New Mexico-Santa Fe Area and has annual gross revenues of approximately $2,060,000.  The practice has earned a first-rate reputation for providing quality accounting and tax services to their clients and maximizes productivity by continual investment of time and resources in their state of the art computer systems. Through a client-focused approach, the owners have cultivated a loyal and highly desirable client base consisting of many businesses and affluent individuals. Revenues are composed predominately of profitable tax work, which makes up 80% of the total. The firm also provides some audit (15%) and other accounting services (5%) that generate more year-round income. There is a strong fee structure and a competent, experienced staff in place. The partners are also willing to work with the buyer after closing to assist in a smooth transition.

This is the perfect opportunity for an experienced CPA ready to step into a turnkey, technologically advanced practice with everything in place for continued success, smooth transition, and outstanding growth potential. The high-quality clients would also be an excellent, profitable addition for another established firm looking to expand in this desirable, growing market.
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