North Dallas Tax & Accounting Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established Enrolled Agent practice in North Dallas produces annual gross revenues of approximately $368,000 and has a quality client base of both individuals and businesses.   Revenues are composed predominately of tax preparation services, which make up about 80% of gross.   The remaining 20% is derived from annual accounting services for about 30 of the business clients.   Although the current owner has focused on tax preparation and not accounting, we see this as an area primed for rapid expansion.   The firm has a strong fee structure and an experienced, qualified staff in place.   Desirably located near I-635 and Hwy 75 in North Dallas, this practice is a great size for most prospective buyers and has a lot of potential for the right individual or firm.
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