North Dallas, TX Accounting & Tax Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This high-quality Accounting & Tax Practice we have for sale in North Dallas produces annual gross revenues of approximately $350,000.  The practice is conveniently located, near 75 and 635, and caters to a very desirable client base, composed predominately of businesses and business owners.  The practice has a strong fee structure and generates steady year-round income, as approximately 65% of the revenue is derived from clients who pay a fixed monthly or quarterly fee for accounting services. The remainder of the income is derived from tax preparation services with about 70% from business entity returns. With a tenured staff in place to assist in transition and provide capacity for growth, this practice would be the perfect size and opportunity for an experienced CPA ready to transition into practice ownership.  It could also be ideal for another established firm in the area that would like to expand its client base and year-round service offerings.
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