Denton, TX CPA Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established, yet steadily growing practice is in Denton, TX and has annual gross revenues of approximately $123,000. It provides tax preparation services to a high-quality, loyal client base, including many small businesses, that should provide opportunities for expansion of services in addition to continued growth through referrals. The practice has a strong fee structure and is operated with minimal expenses to yield exceptional cash flow to owner of approximately 90% of gross income. Located in a desirable, growing area of North Texas, with no lease to consider, this practice would make an easy, profitable addition for any existing firm in the area. It would also be a nice starter practice for an experienced individual accountant ready to jump into full-time practice ownership.
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