Houston Virtual CPA Firm
Listing #: TXS1266
Location: Texas
Annual Revenue: $181,000
 Asking Price: $200,000
Presented by:
Team Holmes
Toll Free: (888) 847-1040
• Owner looking to retire but would be willing to continue part-time for the buyer after closing as needed. • Gross revenues for 2020 expected to be around $181,000. • Excellent owner cash flow percentage of total gross revenues! • Long-standing, and friendly clients. • Service mix includes 76% HOA audits and 24% tax prep for the audit clients. • All clients located in the Houston area so as long as the Buyer is willing to travel to visit client offices, then the Buyer can be located anywhere within Houston. • Great opportunity for an individual or existing practice looking to add audit clients and tax work related to these clients!
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