San Francisco, California Bookkeeping Practice for Sale
Listing #: CAN1279
Annual Revenue: $700,090
 Asking Price: $725,000
Presented by:
The A Team
Toll Free: (888)783-7822x3
This firm has many clients in the commercial real estate world (50%) and clients in many different industries. They perform as an off-site accounting department so clients do not have the cost or headache of managing their own accounting department. The bulk of referrals come from CPAs who are familiar with their work. Marketing is mostly word of mouth and networking with CPAs and other business professionals. Since most everything is done online, the office could really be located anywhere. Very small % of our clients visit the office. Most initial meetings take place at the client's office. Communication from then on is done via email, phone, etc. This firm has an excellent staff and wonderful clients to work with. The business has enjoyed an excellent reputation for 25 years. The staff goes above and beyond for clients. And there is substantial growth potential with the right person at the helm. The billing rate ranges from $75-$150/hr. Charges for services rendered are based on actual time spent at hourly rates in effect at the time services are rendered, plus out-of-pocket costs related to performing the services, such as travel, postage, delivery, long distance telephone, etc.
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