Portland (Tigard) EA Practice For Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The A Team
Toll Free: (888)783-7822x3
This EA practice is for sale by owner(s) who want to retire.  The practice has elements that most buyers seek with tax, consulting, and write-up to balance the year's work.  The firm has approx. 1-- clients with per client averages that equal approx. $1,589 per client.  This firm matches up with most practices regardless of professional distinction.  The revenue on an annual basis is approx. 52% tax, 38% write-up, and 10% consulting.  This firm, available for immediate possession, is a solid opportunity for any firm seeking to finish off a practice with a timely acquisition or a start up looking for a solid book of business on the way to building a firm.  The Seller is willing to finance the purchase and will consider any reasonable offer coupled with immediate possession by the buyer.
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