Bridgeport, WV Tax & Accounting Practice For Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This very well-established tax & accounting practice we have for sale in Bridgeport, West Virginia produces annual gross revenues of approximately $190,000.  The practice has a stable, loyal client base of individuals and hundreds of businesses, which should provide ample opportunities for expansion of services and growth through referrals.  Revenues are nicely mixed between tax work (62%) and monthly accounting work (38%) that generates steady year-round income. With a tenured, knowledgeable staff in place, this turn-key practice is primed for continued growth and success.  It is the ideal size for an accountant ready for practice ownership or nice addition to an established firm looking for expansion in this market.  Good fees for the area lead to cash flow around 60% of gross.
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