North Central Wyoming Tax Practice for Sale
Listing #: WY1043
Location: Wyoming
Type: CPA
Annual Revenue: $293,000
 Asking Price: $295,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This established, and steadily growing tax practice is located in a booming North Central Wyoming community with loyal, quality clients that should continue to provide referrals and opportunities for expanding services. Approximately 90% of the income is derived from tax preparation work with a nice balance between individuals and business clients. The rest of the revenues are derived from a small amount of bookkeeping/accounting work (6%) and other services which provide year-round income to the owner.
This is the perfect size and opportunity for an experienced tax preparer ready to step into practice ownership or would also make an easy, profitable addition for another established firm looking to expand in North Central Wyoming.
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