Laramie Wyoming CPA Practice
Listing #: WY1041
Location: Wyoming
Annual Revenue: $658,000
 Asking Price: $595,000
Presented by:
The Holmes Group
Toll-Free: 800-397-0249
This well-established, actively growing CPA practice for sale in Laramie, Wyoming services a high-quality client base composed of businesses, business owners, and many other loyal individuals. Revenues are desirably mixed between services to generate year-round income, including 58% tax, 29% accounting, and 13% payroll and other.

The practice has a strong fee structure that yields excellent cash flow to owner around 55% of gross income! With experienced staff in place and up-to-date computer and office equipment, this profitable practice is primed for a smooth transition and continued growth. The seller is also willing to work for a buyer part-time after closing, if desired, to promote continuity.

The practice is now offered at only $595,000 (about 90% of gross income)! This is an ideal opportunity for an individual CPA ready to step into practice ownership or for another established firm looking to expand in a booming market.
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