Roaring Fork Valley, CO CPA Firm
Listing #: CO1070
Annual Revenue: $135,000
 Asking Price:
Presented by:
Kevin J. Overberg, CPA/PFS
Office: 720-988-4334
CPA practice owner of ten years is ready to pursue a new challenge. Starting from a zero base, this practitioner has grown the practice every year and projects a 20 percent increase in tax preparation revenues for 2014. There is a great opportunity for a buyer wanting to quickly and easily grow this practice to a much larger firm as the current owner only works part-time in the business most of the year and is constantly approached by potential clients. Currently, approximately 38 percent of revenues come from accounting, payroll and some consulting services. The bulk, 62 percent, of revenues are derived from tax preparation services which are fairly evenly split between individual and business tax return preparation services.
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