Calgary, AB Profitable Practice
Listing #: AB1040
Annual Revenue: $740,000
Asking Price: $750,000
Presented by: |
Sonia Albert |
Toll Free: 877-606-8622 |
Alan Liverman |
Office: 514-819-8088 |
Established reputable firm, offering business tax, NTR's and a few reviews with loyal and long-term clients. There is a heavy emphasis on tax planning which is a key reason why clients choose this practice. There are great systems in place which allow the office to operate very efficiently with low owner hours...and great cash flow.
Established reputable firm, offering business tax, NTR's and a few reviews with loyal and long-term clients. There is a heavy emphasis on tax planning which is a key reason why clients choose this practice. There are great systems in place which allow the office to operate very efficiently with low owner hours...and great cash flow.
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