Virtual Bookkeeping and Payroll practice for sale
Listing #
British Columbia
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
Sonia Albert
Toll Free: 877-606-8622
Alan Liverman
Office: 514-819-8088
Alan Liverman is pleased to introduce:
  • 100% virtual bookkeeping and payroll practice operating remotely with three staff.
  • Majority of clients are located in BC with several in AB
  • The three staff who work 100% remotely, are located in BC, AB and ON and are available to continue with the new buyer if needed. 
  • In 2024, the company pared down its client list to include only those firms who agreed to work 100% remotely: current annualized billings to July 31, 2025 for these clients is $281,000
  • There is significant growth opportunity for a buyer who wants to add tax services to the bookkeeping services currently being offered.
  • There are currently 67 corporate clients (43 billed monthly, 16 billed quarterly and 8 billed annually) providing a steady revenue and cash flow
  • Software employed: QBO and Office
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