WI West Central CPA Practice for Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
The Weldon Group
CPA Owner ready to retire and sell very profitable and established (yet still growing) CPA tax and accounting practice. The Practice has been in business over 10 years. Seller will offer transition period and consider revenue guarantees and seller financing. Annual revenue: 2014 projected at over $200,000. Practice has had a steady growth pattern over the past 4 years. Revenue breakdown: Individual and Business tax preparation: 75% Write-up/Accounting/Payroll: 25% Facilities: Multiple offices, reception area. Assumable lease, Downtown location. Furniture and equipment: Computers, work stations and full complement of office furniture, plus all other equipment and software included in selling price. Staff: Owner will provide transition support. Software: Accounting: Quick Books. Tax: Lacerte..
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