Weld County, CO CPA Practice For Sale
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by:
Kevin J. Overberg, CPA/PFS
Office: 720-988-4334
* Sole owner, well established CPA practice in center of vibrant economy community * Year over year revenue growth has averaged over 5% the past 4 years * 88% Tax Preparation (65% Individual; 33% Business; 2% Other); 12% Bookkeeping/Payroll * Average tax return fees seem to be slightly above average to similar competitors * Office space is owner-occupied; seller is open to selling or leasing space to new practice owner * Quality staff will transition to new owner * Software: Tax - Drake; Accounting - Quickbooks/Peachtree; Various Other Productivity vendors * Owner is looking to leave public accounting but willing to assist buyer through an extended transition period to maximize knowledge transfer and client retention * Good potential for growth and increased profitability * Optional Seller financing terms.
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