Garfield County, Colorado CPA Practice
Listing #
Annual Revenue
Asking Price
Presented by: |
Kevin J. Overberg, CPA/PFS |
Office: 720-988-4334 |
• Sole practitioner CPA tax practice • 2019 Revenue $129,550 • Revenue mix is all tax preparation of which 58% is Individual tax returns and 42% is Business tax returns • Cashflow to owner before potentially duplicate expenses is just over 62% • Tax software used is Pro Series. Accounting software is Quickbooks • In addition to the owner, there is one part-time tax season receptionist • Owner-occupied office space can also be acquired or leased. • Owner is looking forward to retirement after a long, successful career • Owner anticipates assisting buyer through an appropriate transition period to maximize knowledge transfer and client retention
• Sole practitioner CPA tax practice • 2019 Revenue $129,550 • Revenue mix is all tax preparation of which 58% is Individual tax returns and 42% is Business tax returns • Cashflow to owner before potentially duplicate expenses is just over 62% • Tax software used is Pro Series. Accounting software is Quickbooks • In addition to the owner, there is one part-time tax season receptionist • Owner-occupied office space can also be acquired or leased. • Owner is looking forward to retirement after a long, successful career • Owner anticipates assisting buyer through an appropriate transition period to maximize knowledge transfer and client retention
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